
Personal Stylist Melbourne, Melbourne Personal Shopper, Australian Personal Stylist, Melbourne Stylist

Ciao! I’m Maddy and I am the proud owner of Mad About Fashion, styling made simple. I live in Melbourne, Victoria and I am a personal stylist who studied at Melbourne’s renowned Australian Style Institute.

I started Mad About Fashion in 2023 after years of fluctuating hormonal changes to my body and wanting to help those who struggle to style themselves. I’ve always loved fashion, whether it’s shoes, handbags or coats- it’s a safe haven that empowers me.

Learning how to style my ever changing body has been a long journey, but I am ready to share my knowledge with the world.

At the age of 12, I was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and my whole life changed. I was different to those around me, I spent a lot of my days throughout high school in hospital and in bed online shopping for outfits for when I ‘felt better’, it was my coping mechanism. At that age I didn’t understand the power I have for being different, but also the power and confidence I feel when I am well enough to leave the house.

Then, at the age of 18, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Endometriosis and everything from that moment has been different. For the past 6 years, my body has changed significantly and it’s been something I’ve struggled with. I know the feeling of putting on jeans in the morning and squeezing as hard as you can but they still don’t do up. The feeling of putting on an outfit but it doesn’t look the same as it does in your head; I get it. Life with an auto-immune disease brings its challenges, but I wouldn’t be the person I am today with a true understanding of what so many people around the globe face daily without my experience.

I am passionate about embracing men and women of all ages, race and body shape so I can teach YOU how to leave your house in the morning feeling your best self. Whether you are in need of a wardrobe revamp or a 1:1 personal styling session with me, I’m confident we can work together on getting your groove back and I can teach you how to style yourself.

Mad About Fashion is inspired by global fashion destinations. I have been fortunate enough to travel to incredible places around the world. This is where I have found a lot of my inspiration. I’ve visited Milan, New York City & Paris; some of the biggest fashion capitals in the world, and have been in awe seeing what people were wearing. A lot of my time growing up has been spent in Italy and coming from an Italian heritage I’m proud to say that Italian Fashion is some of the best I’ve ever seen. Italy holds a special place in my heart and it inspires me in both my work and personal life.

I was in Florence, Italy in October 2022 when I decided to pursue my dream in fashion and applied for the Personal Styling course with the Australian Style Institute. I will remember that life changing trip forever.

A special shout out to my Mum & Dad for never giving up on me and being my greatest support network. I love you both.

I look forward to working together with my clients and helping them learn that styling can be simple.

Mad About Fashion is known to offer an exceptional personal styling service in Melbourne. Offering virtual styling Australia wide via lookbooks, there are no limits! With a passion for fashion and an eye for detail, I specialise in providing tailored styling services to help you look and feel your best. From wardrobe revamps to 1:1 personal shopping, let me guide you on your new style journey.